Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sparrow Studioz Quilting and Gallery: Windowpanes Quilt Contest

Sparrow Studioz Quilting and Gallery: Windowpanes Quilt Contest: "Are you as excited as I am? The time for voting on Windowpanes quilts is here! Take a peek at all the entries.... Cathy Schneider Heat..."

I am voting for Rhonda Duncan-I have always been a sucker for pink and brown. It's beautiful....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's been a while!

Wow! It's a new year already and here in Edmonton all you can see is snow! I think what I will remember most about the month of January 2011 is shovelling the snow-snow shovelling is simply never-ending.

I have decided for the year of 2011 I am not going to have resolutions but instead GOALS.
1. Healthy eating and weight loss but for feel good on the inside and out
2. Reconnecting with old friends and making new ones-good friends are hard to find and
sometimes we lose touch with those "friends" without realizing it.
3. Get my scrapbooking DONE!! Keep organized!! Get published and on a Design Team, I really
want to take my scrapbooking to another level.
4. Spending time with family especially John and Eric-Eric is growing up so fast and oh too soon
he's not going to want to cuddle anymore....