Monday, June 21, 2010

Another beautiful day in Fairmont!

Today was another beautiful day-got to sleep in, then go mini-golfing where I got not one but TWO holes in One! Then off to the Natural Hot Springs, where we enjoyed the warmth of the pool and the beauty of the mountains around us.
Tomorrow we're off to Cranbrook and to a scrapbook store! Yeah, I'm having withdrawals!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Holiday Time!

Wow! How fantastic it feels to be in beautiful Fairmont Hot Springs, BC CANADA! The weather is beautiful, and to be in the mountains in fabulous. I so needed this holiday! It's been 2 years since our last holiday and truly this is soooo overdue! So this week is relaxing, taking in some sun in the mountains, and a little pool time. Next week is getting the house "reorganized" and some scrapbooking!